Why Lack of Sleep Is Costing Us Billions of Dollars

Published on June 2, 2017 | SleepReviewMag.com
NBC News reports on the economic consequences of poor sleep.
NBC News reports on the economic consequences of poor sleep.

RAND Europe, a non-profit organization, realized what most of us know intrinsically—bad sleep habits have a negative impact on work performance — but researchers wanted to quantify the effects. They found that a person who, on average, sleeps less than 6 hours a night has a 13 percent higher risk of mortality than a counterpart sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night.

On top of that, they found that the United States was the global leader in economic losses from bad sleep habits, losing approximately 2.92 percent of its total GDP due to sleep deprivation. That’s a whopping $411 billion of lost productivity, or approximately 1.2 million working days per year.

Read more at www.nbcnews.com