Snoring, drowsiness could mean sleep apnea.

Brandi Schlossberg, Health Source | 12:30 p.m. PST November 17, 2015

Loud snoring may be more than a nighttime nuisance — it could be a sign of sleep apnea. This sleep disorder occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat relax, which narrows or closes the airway and results in brief, repeated pauses in breathing during sleep.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than 18 million U.S. adults suffer from sleep apnea and are at risk for serious associated complications. Although sleep apnea can affect anyone, including children, there are specific risk factors that may increase the chances of developing this disorder. Among these risk factors are excess weight, large neck circumference and a family history of the condition.

“The main signs of sleep apnea are profound daytime sleepiness, snoring and witnessed pausing of breathing while sleeping,” said Dr. Steve K. Mashour, pulmonologist at Saint Mary’s Pulmonary and Critical Care. “Patients may also wake up from their sleep gasping or choking.”

Other possible signs of sleep apnea include waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat, having a headache in the mornings, insomnia, difficulty concentrating and irritability. According to a Mayo Clinic report, a medical professional should be consulted if you or your partner notice snoring that’s loud enough to disrupt your own sleep or the sleep of others; pauses in your breathing during sleep; shortness of breath that wakes you up, possibly with gasping or choking for air; or profound sleepiness during the day.

“Sleep apnea is typically diagnosed with an overnight sleep study,” Mashour said. “This is usually done in a sleep lab but can be done at home if deemed appropriate by the evaluating doctor.”

If you suspect you or your partner may have sleep apnea, taking steps to find out for sure can be crucial for overall health. According to Mashour, sleep apnea is a risk factor for stroke, high blood pressure and certain heart rhythm disorders. Along with its effects on cardiovascular health, sleep apnea is considered a serious condition for other reasons as well, such as the fact this disorder leads to excessive daily drowsiness.

“The effect of sleepiness itself can be significant. This includes decreased memory and concentration, which can affect work performance,” Mashour said. “The worst-case scenario with regard to sleepiness is falling asleep while driving, putting the patient and the general public at risk for a motor vehicle accident.

“Also, there is emerging evidence to suggest a link between Alzheimer’s syndrome and sleep apnea,” Mashour added, “purportedly as a result of low oxygen levels to the brain.”

In order to treat sleep apnea and keep potential complications at bay, your doctor may prescribe lifestyle changes, equipment to enhance breathing during sleep or possibly surgery.

“The most common treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which is employed using a mask,” Mashour said. “Other treatments include weight loss, as sleep apnea is often associated with obesity; oral appliances that help thrust the jaw forward at night; and surgery.”

The Mayo Clinic reports CPAP therapy is the most reliable method of treating moderate to severe sleep apnea. The machine works by providing air pressure through a mask while you sleep, which helps to maintain an open airway.