PTSD Awareness Day: AASM Urges Legislators to Co-sponsor House Resolution

Published on June 26, 2017 |


As the nation recognizes National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day on Tuesday, June 27, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) urges U.S. House legislators to co-sponsor House Resolution 46, which expresses support for soldiers and veterans with obstructive sleep apnea and PTSD.

The resolution seeks to raise awareness of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), support access to care for soldiers and veterans with sleep disorders, and promote CPAP therapy as an effective treatment option for sleep apnea in patients with PTSD. H. Res. 46 also encourages soldiers and veterans to practice healthy sleep habits.

“There is a high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea and post-traumatic stress disorder among combat veterans and soldiers returning from active duty,” says AASM president Ilene Rosen, MD, in a release. “The American Academy of Sleep Medicine urges more legislators to show their support for our veterans by co-sponsoring this important resolution.”

Research suggests that the likelihood of sleep apnea is higher among veterans than in the general population. A study of younger veterans of US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan found that 69% were at high risk for sleep apnea. Another study of 200 consecutive patients with PTSD who underwent sleep evaluations at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center found that 57% were diagnosed with OSA.

Research suggests that CPAP also reduces PTSD-associated nightmares and improves overall PTSD symptoms in veterans with sleep apnea.

Bipartisan resolutionH. Res. 46 was introduced by lead sponsor Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO), Member of the House Committee on Armed Services; and is co-sponsored by Rep. Timothy Walz (D-MN), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs; Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA), Co-Chair of the Congressional Military Family Caucus; Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA), member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee; and Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL). It also has received support from the American Legion.