How sleeping position impacts the quality of sleep.

By Admin Added 7th July 2016 04:40 PM


Poor sleepers consistently spend more time on their back with their heads straight

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Maintain the natural curves of your spine while you sleep to reduce the strain on your neck, back, and knees.

Do this by sleeping on your back with your head slightly raised or by curling on your side with a pillow between your knees

The latter is recommended for pregnant women and those who have sleep apnea.  Ayurveda advises against sleeping on your tummy and with your head toward the north.

The importance of posture cannot be stated enough – even when you go to bed!  After all, haven’t you all woken up at some point to an agaonizing sore muscle or stiff neck just because you didn’t sleep right!

Studies now show that sleeping position affects your quality of sleep and even your overall well-being.  There is no one-position-fits-all recommendation for sleep, but there sure are adjustments you can make to get a good night’s rest.

One study on the relationship between sleep positions and quality of sleep, via self-assessment, looked into body positions of good sleepers (those who were satisfied with the quality of their sleep) and poor sleepers (those who complained about it).

Compared to poor sleepers, good sleepers experienced significantly better quality of sleep, were in better shape in the morning, had less difficulty in falling asleep, felt less agitation, and had fewer awakenings at night.

The same study also went on to show the poor sleepers consistently spent more time on their back with their heads straight.  In stark contrast, good sleepers seldom slept on their back for long periods of immobility, suggesting sleep position might be an important factor affecting the quality of sleep.

To get the best out of this daily miracle, it is important to sleep in the right position.  So how should you sleep – like a baby, a long, or a top?  Sleep experts say whatever position you choose to sleep, ensure that your body is in midline, that is, maintain the natural curves of the spine.

This ensure the stress and strain on the spine and body are minimized.

That said, some positions can be really good or terrible for you depending on various other factors.

What is recommended?

Sleeping on the back isn’t a very popular sleeping position and often gets a bad rap among poor sleepers.  Despite this, many experts recommend this position because it rests the head, neck, spine, and internal organs in a neutral and optimal position.

Using a pillow so your head is slightly elevated and your stomach is below the esophagus is ideal for warding off acid reflux.  However, if you are someone who snores or suffer from sleep apnea, this position is not recommended as it severely affects the quality of sleep.

If you like sleeping on your side, pull your knees slightly towards your chest.  Keeping a pillow between your knees will reduce the stress on your back and kness and ensure your spine is aligned.  According to the National Sleep Foundation, this is also the best position for those who snore or have sleep apnea.

Sleeping on one side, particularly on the left, is especially recommended during pregnancy.  This helps increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reaches the placenta and the fetus.

Pregnant women who experience discomfort at night due to back pain, heartburn, or shortness of breath are advised to sleep in this position by propping the upper body with pillows.

Experts say that sleeping on your tummy is the worst position as it strains the neck, back muscles, and joints because the spine is not in a neutral position.

If you are one of those who finds comfort in this position, slightly raising one side of your body with a pillow of keeping a pillow under your tummy or cheest instead of your head will help ease the strain on the neck.