Famous Presidents Who Snored (And What People Thought About Them)

August 24th, 2015 – by

Snoring – it’s a problem that’s plagued spouses, roommates and traveling companions for as long as we’ve been on Earth. Stress has been linked to snoring, so it’s no wonder that so many presidents have had documented snoring problems. Here are eight presidents whose snoring was so severe it made it into the history books.

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt was one of America’s most beloved presidents, but his snoring certainly didn’t win him any praise. During a stay in a Washington hospital, he snored so loudly that the staff had to relocate the entire floor of patients so they could get to sleep. Sleep problems affected Teddy Roosevelt his entire life, particularly after he gained weight; he eventually died in his sleep of a blood clot.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The other President Roosevelt was also reportedly a snorer. He suffered from polio, which commonly causes breathing problems, including sleep apnea and snoring. Though his snoring never evacuated any hospital wards, he and his brother certainly brought a family legacy of snoring to the White House.

William Howard Taft

Taft had a severe case of sleep apnea stemming from his obesity and required a special pillow. Numerous observers, including his wife, described him falling asleep during important events or meeting, often accompanied by snoring. He was unable to get a good night’s rest, and his health and presidency both suffered as a result. After failing to get re-elected, Taft lost 80 pounds in a year and his sleep apnea and snoring improved dramatically.

George Washington

Yes, the nation’s father was a snorer. Though little is known about how Washington’s snoring affected him and those around him, he obviously didn’t let it hinder him from becoming the most beloved historical figure in American history. If the snoring bothered his wife, Martha, she didn’t show it; the two were lovingly married until his death in 1799.

John Adams and John Quincy Adams

Perhaps there is a genetic link for snoring, since both the Presidents Adams reportedly snored while in office. Father and son both had one of the most stressful jobs in the world – president of a young country – so it’s no wonder they had the shared experience of unpleasant sleep. It is not known if they also had any conditions that would have caused snoring.

Grover Cleveland

Cleveland was the second-heaviest president at over 280 pounds, a weight topped only by William Howard Taft’s 340 pounds. Obesity puts people at high risk for obstructive sleep apnea, and Cleveland’s snoring was a good indicator that he suffered from this condition. His fondness for beer also put him at risk for nighttime breathing problems.

Barack Obama

Modern media has made President Obama’s private life an open book, from his activities in his youth to his snoring problem. Michelle Obama has stated that the couple’s children did not like to cuddle with her in the morning if the President was also in bed because he snores. His half-sister has also said that he snores.