What are the alternatives to CPAP?

How effective is a treatment if you simply don’t use it? Studies show that up to 60% of sleep apnea patients abandon CPAP use. For this reason, Dr. Blumenstock has dedicated his practice to providing remedies to those who suffer from snoring and sleep apnea, offering a variety of oral appliances that are often more appealing and user-friendly than the CPAP. These appliances can be more effective, as patients find them more comfortable and easier to use.

Consider the wide variety of oral appliances offered by Dr. Blumenstock below (see photos), and make an appointment for your own consultation:

· SomnoMed

The SomnoMed MAS is a custom-made device, consisting of upper and lower dental plates with a unique patented fin-coupling component, which allows normal mouth opening and closing. An optional part provides incremental and adjustable levels of lower jaw advancement, which improves the effectiveness and comfort level of treatment as the jaw is moved only as far as is required to alleviate snoring and reduce apnea.

· Elastic Mandibular Advancement Appliance (EMA)

The EMA – Custom appliance is a simple, patient-friendly oral appliance created for noninvasive treatment of snoring and OSA. The primary treatment mechanism of opening the bite and gently moving the mandible forward is achieved with the use of interchangeable elastic straps that offer varying degrees of mandibular advancement. The flexibility of these elastic straps provides unsurpassed lateral movement and overall TMJ comfort. The 2 mm thick pressure formed bases offer orthodontic retention (resulting in no tooth movement) and maximum anterior tongue space because there are no projections in the palate.

· The Thornton Adjustable Positioner (TAP)

A custom-made adjustable oral appliance that is worn while sleeping. The appliance holds the lower jaw forward, preventing the tongue and soft tissue of the throat from collapsing into the airway. It is easily adjusted by the patient, as well as the patient’s spouse or significant other. The adjustment handle acts as a snoring volume control. As snoring is reduced, the airway is opened.

· Dorsal Appliance

Originally designed as a nighttime TMD splint, the Dorsal Appliance has evolved into one of the most popular choices for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. The two piece construction allows for patient comfort and lateral jaw movement. The Dorsal fins on the mandibular appliance interface with inclines built into the buccal of the upper appliance to dictate a specific mandibular position. The appliance is traditionally fabricated with adjustable screws in the maxillary appliance to allow for further mandibular advancement. This appliance can be fabricated in a variety of materials including acrylic, dual laminate or thermal splint material.

· Silent Nite SL

Silent Nite SL positions the lower jaw forward using special S-shaped connectors that are attached to upper and lower trays. These trays are comprised of a soft inner layer with a hard outer layer that is durable and BPA-free. The new, improved connectors are stronger than those found on the original Silent Nite and are easily interchangeable by the patient. This intraoral appliance is indicated for patients with a minimum of eight teeth per jaw and a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or less.

· The SUAD™ Device

The SUAD™ Device is a premium dental sleep appliance developed for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. It is an effective, comfortable, and durable alternative to CPAP therapy or corrective surgery. By simply wearing The SUAD™ Device while sleeping, your lower jaw (mandible) will be moved forward into a comfortable position, allowing relaxation of the tissues at the back of your throat and ensuring the base of your tongue does not collapse and block your airway, giving you a safe and soundless sleep.

· Herbst, Herbst Telescopic, and SAUD Appliance

The Herbst appliance has been proven to be effective on chronic snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea sufferers. This appliance allows patients to move laterally and vertically without disengaging the appliance. Also, if it is determined that the initial position does not provide the anticipated relief of the condition, the mandible can easily be moved forward by two options of adjustability. The Herbst is traditional hardware with limited range of adjustment. The Herbst Telescopic version allows greater flexibility of adjustment. The more robust SAUD version is made for the heavy grinder who might break other appliances.

· Oasys Sleep Appliance

The Oasys Appliance has a built-in nasal dilation so it works in a similar manner to Breathe Right Strips. The Oasys Oral/Nasal Airway System is the first dental device to be reviewed by both the dental and ENT divisions of the FDA. It has been approved as a dental device for treatment of snoring and sleep apnea through mandibular repositioning and also as a nasal dilator for reduction of nasal resistance and improved nasal breathing.

· Tongue Retaining Device (TRD)

The TRD is lab-constructed flexible polyvinyl material adapted to the general contours of the teeth and dental arches. It does not depend on teeth for retention. Rather, the tongue is held forward by the negative pressure created in the vacuum bulb on the front of the appliance.

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