New Jersey Sleep Society, Inc – Annual Educational Symposium – Nov. 12 & 13, 2010

New Jersey Sleep Society, Inc – Annual Educational Symposium – Nov. 12 & 13, 2010

National Conference Center at the Holiday Inn East Windsor, NJ
399 Monmouth Street East Windsor, NJ 08520
(609) 443-8000

Course Program
Friday • November 12, 2010

2:00 — 3:00pm

3:00 — 3:10pm
Lee J. Brooks, MD, President, NJSS

3:10 — 4:10pm
How Do Circadia Rhythms and Sleep-Wake Regulatory
Systems Affect Sleep Patterns?

Mary A. Carskadon, PhD
Learning Objectives: review circadian rhythms terminology and basics of circadian biology; examine sleep-wake homeostasis and how it affects sleep; describe how the circadian timing system and sleep-wakehomeostatic processes interact to enhance or interfere with sleep

4:10 — 4:45pm

4:45 — 5:45pm
How Do Circadian and Sleep-Wake Regulation change During Adolescent Development?
Mary A. Carskadon, PhD
Learning Objectives: review developmental stages in adolescence and secular trends in puberty; describe how circadian phase is changed during adolescence; review changes in sleep-wake homeostasis that accompany adolescence; examine consequences of these developmental changes

5:45 — 6:45pm
Adult vs. Pediatric Respiratory Rules in Adolescents
Ignacio E. Tapia, MD
Learning Objectives: discuss the AASM respiratory scoring criteria; clarify which scoring criteria should be used in adolescents

6:45 — 7:30pm

7:30 — 9:30pm
DINNER and Sleep in Astronauts
Erin E. Flynn-Evans, PhD, RPSGT
Learning Objectives: educate on the challenges of sleeping in extreme environments; educate on wake and sleep promoting countermeasures and their effectiveness during spaceflight

Saturday • November 13, 2010

7:00 — 8:00am

8:00 — 9:00am
Fatigue Management for All
Kingman P. Strohl, MD

Learning Objectives: discuss the warning signs of sleepiness and fatigue as a manifestation of brain function; list the factors that promote and countermeasures that reduce fatigue and sleepiness in medicine, nursing, and sleep technology

9:00 — 10:00am
Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep Breathing Disorders
Steven D. Bender, DDS

Learning Objectives: discuss how to determine which patients may benefit from oral appliance therapy; explain how to appropriately titrate an oral device; discuss the benefit of combined therapy utilizing CPAP and oral appliances in patients with severe obstructive sleep breathing disorders

10:00 — 10:45am

10:45 — 11:45am
Women and Sleep

Joyce A. Walsleben, RN, PhD
Learning Objectives: discuss the unique issues with women and sleep; discuss effective treatments for women with sleep issues

11:45 — 12:45pm
Sleep and Fatigue in Transportation Safety
Christopher A. Hart
Learning Objectives: highlight the major fatigue and sleep issues in transportation; catalyze thinking about how to address those issues

12:45 — 2:15pm

Membership Meeting and Elections

2:15 — 3:15pm
The Appropriate Treatment of Mild Sleep Apnea
David Schulman, MD, MPH

Learning Objectives: discuss using data gleaned from patient history and polysomnography to determine which patients with mild sleep apnea require therapy; recommend different therapeutic options to mild sleep apnea patients based upon anatomic factors and disease severity

3:15 — 4:15pm
Federal and New Jersey Regulatory Update
Martin L. Monaco, Jr., Esq.

Learning Objectives: update on New Jersey and Federal regulatory provisions; discuss suitable joint ventures permitted in New Jersey under the changes to the Codey law

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