Helping dog breathe easier can reduce snoring

Notes from Dr. Norman Blumenstock

Does your dog snore?

 5:00 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015

Question: My dog snores louder than my husband. How can I make him stop?!
Answer: Many dogs snore and it can keep their owners up at night! Certain breeds of dog are genetically more likely to snore because of the shape of their head and nose. The brachiocephalic breeds ( dogs with a short nose and pushed in faces) tend to have very tiny nostrils, excess tissue in their throats, and elongated soft palates. This combination can cause breathing difficulties and snoring. Surgery can sometimes be done to help improve the breathing for these dogs. Examples of brachiocephalic breeds include bulldogs, pugs, and Boston terriers.
If your dog is not a short-nosed breed and he did not snore until recently, he may have something else going on. Common things that can cause snoring are: weight gain (obesity), allergies, old age, second hand cigarette smoke, dental disease, nasal or upper respiratory infections, foreign body inhalation (grass or stickers), laryngeal paralysis, polyps and tumors. You will need a trip to your veterinarian to help sort through these possibilities.
Most snoring is caused by the nose and throat tissues getting swollen and narrowing the area for air to pass. There are things that you can do to help soothe the airway and make breathing easier.
1. Keep your pets bedding clean and dry. Replace the top sheet daily. Wash bedding in hypoallergenic laundry soap.
2. Vacuum frequently to keep your floor sniffing dog from inhaling dust and dirt.
3. Decrease pollen in the home by using a HEPA filter and dusting with a microfiber cloth to trap the dust.
4. Keep the air clean! Do not smoke inside your home or near your pet. Don’t burn real candles or use air fresheners.
5. Get fit and healthy! Get your dog at a healthy weight and exercise him daily.
6. Brush your dog’s teeth daily! Dental disease is a main component in inflammation and infections. Schedule a complete dental cleaning at least once a year with your veterinarian.
7. Put your dog in a hot steamy bathroom twice a day to help hydrate and soothe the nasal passages. Try a vaporizer in the bedroom at night.
8. Avoid exercising your dog in the middle of the day when it is very hot and humid.
9. Clean and change the water dish at least twice a day. Add water to your dog’s food. Drinking more water can help keep sensitive nasal tissues moist and comfortable.
10. Give your dog a pillow for his head or use a cuddler dog bed that has raised padded sides where he can rest his head. Elevating the head can sometimes improve airflow and reduce snoring.
11. Video your dog snoring and show it to your veterinarian, it may help to determine a treatment plan for your dog.

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