Dental Sleep Apnea Device: The Best Way to Save Your Life

Are you aware of what sleep apnea is? Did you know that sleep apnea is detrimental to your health? Yes, it is indeed dangerous since it can stop your breathing during the night. According to statistics, approximately 18 million Americans are diagnosed to have sleep apnea and 10 million of them are undiagnosed. It is a condition that affects approximately 4% of middle-aged men and 2% of middle-aged women. Studies show that sleep apnea is correlated with heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke and also associated with automobile or motor vehicle accidents.

What is sleep apnea?

It is a serious disorder wherein a person’s breathing stops and starts repeatedly. In such instance, it seems as though a person snores loudly during sleep and his breathing stops which usually lasts from seconds to minutes and occurs from five to even 30 times during the night. It produces a loud choking or snorting sound when a person’s normal breathing resumes again.

Dangers of sleep apnea

This is a primary reason why individuals with this type of sleeping disorder feel tired during the day. Moreover, it is one of the primary causes of excessive sleepiness, less work productivity, interpersonal problems and accidents.

If left untreated, it can result in life-threatening conditions such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, irregularity of heart beat and many more.

How can it be addressed?

At present, the most preferred method used by individuals with sleep apnea is the use of a dental appliance. It is comparable to a mouth guard which they can wear while sleeping. With this device, they can move freely without the worry of getting it removed and their jaws are left open to let the oxygen get in freely.

If you or your loved ones have sleep apnea, then it is best to go to the dentist and have your needs assessed and obtain the right design and fitting for this sleep apnea device.

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