Spring has sprung and pollen is in the air.

U-T San Diego 06:00a.m. Apr 29, 2015


After a long winter that left much of the country under many inches of snow, spring is in full swing. While the warmer weather is a relief for many people, some people suffer from allergy-inducing pollen.

An estimated 1 in 5 Americans suffer from allergies that come with symptoms such as itchy eyes, swollen eyelids, and watery and red eyes.

The most common culprit is pollen, or microscopic particles that are released into the air by trees, grass and weeds.

“When exposed to these allergens, cells in the eyes release histamines and other chemicals in an effort to protect the eyes,” said Dr. Sandy Feldman, a San Diego-based physician and ophthalmologist. “This chemical reaction causes blood vessels to swell, and the eyes to become itchy, red and watery.”

Eye allergies often affect the clear covering on the front of the eyeball, a surface that’s similar to the material that lines the inside of the nose. Because the two areas are a lot alike, allergens can trigger an allergic reaction in both areas.

The best treatment for eye allergies comes from minimizing exposure to allergens. Feldman offers the following tips:

• Stay inside on days when pollen counts are high.

• Wear sunglasses to keep pollen away from the eyes.

• Keep your house as dust-free as possible.

• Avoid being around irritants such as cigarette smoke or air pollution.

• Avoid wearing contacts while allergy symptoms are present.

• Artificial tears and antihistamines can help alleviate symptoms in the short-term.

• Wash your hands regularly to keep allergens out of your eyes.

May you have a better sleep month

May is Better Sleep Month. In honor of that, here are some facts about common sleep problems:

• A recent American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine survey showed more than 25 percent of adults report getting annoyed or angry when dealing with a snoring bed partner. One in five said a snoring partner can lead them to get out of bed.

• About 12 to 18 million people remain untreated for sleep apnea, which can be life-threatening.